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The Spiel des Jahres and Kinderspiel des Jahres juries have announced their 2016 nominations for the largest awards in board gaming.
The nominees for Spiel des Jahres, Germany's "Game of the Year" award, are:
• Codenames, by Vlaada Chvátil and Czech Games Edition
• Imhotep, by Phil Walker-Harding and KOSMOS
• Karuba, by Rüdiger Dorn and HABA
They have also issued a a recommended list which includes five other titles:
• Agent Undercover (a.k.a. Spyfall)
• Animals on Board
• Die Fiesen 7
• Krazy WORDZ
• Qwinto
Nominations for the Kennerspiel des Jahres (or "Enthusiast Game of the Year") have also been published
• Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King, by Andreas Pelikan, Alexander Pfister and Lookout Games
• Pandemic Legacy: Season 1, by Matt Leacock, Rob Daviau and Z-Man Games
• T.I.M.E Stories, by Manuel Rozoy and Space Cowboys
There is also a recommended list for Enthusiast level games :
• 7 Wonders: Duel
• Blood Rage
• Mombasa
The Kinderspiel des Jahres jury has is a separate panel dedicated to finding the "Children's Game of the Year". Their nominations are as follows:
• Leo muss zum Friseur (Leo Goes to the Barber), by Leo Colovini and ABACUSSPIELE
• Mmm!, by Reiner Knizia and Pegasus Spiele
• Stone Age Junior (My First Stone Age), by Marco Teubner and Hans im Glück
And finally there is a recommended Kinderspiel list:
• Burg Flatterstein (a.k.a. Flutterstone Castle)
• Burg Schlummerschatz (a.k.a. Sleepy Castle)
• Die geheimnisvolle Drachenhöhle (a.k.a. The Mysterious Dragon Cave)
• Dschungelbande (Jungle Band)
• Harry Hopper
• Mein Schatz
• Sag's mir! Junior (a.k.a. Time's Up! Kids)
Advent Games will be working to bring you as many of these titles as possible over the next few weeks. Meanwhile, below are the currently listed items on the site, and there should be lots of the Children's games coming in the next few weeks.